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14. August 08



Wasserkraft ist auch nicht grundlasttauglich- besonders nicht im Winter. Österreichs Grundlast=Strom aus bayerischen Kaernkraftwerken!


Council members notight seemed very impressed by the arguments made by a half dozen or more Ypsi residents who spoke out aganst the College Place closure plan. Indeed, Council voted to table the motion. Most members of Council, once the hearing on the matter ended and Council took up possible action on the exchange of leases, specifically cited the many problems pointed out by members of the public. No one spoke in favor of the leases. A representative of student government spoke out against this extravangant expense, in very strong terms, as did several of the most prominent residents of Ypsilanti.My bet is that the plan will be killed thru the political process. Time will tell. The Ypsilanti-EMU Alliance is growing fast, and we'll keep on the case.By the way, notight was the last Council meeting for outgoing Mayor Cheryl Farmer and for long term Council member Barry LaRue. Many thanks to each of them for their years of service!

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